Political decisions/laws, most often ends up with massive amounts of compromise, thus voting has seldom fostered individual liberty for the majority. I am not the originator of the concept, so I thank Ernest Hancock of the news outlet Freedom Phoenix for bringing it to our attention, even if he is not the concepts creator. http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Article/040551-2008-10-31-voting-never-brought-freedom-to-anyone.htm
Too many people, from the various government bureaucrats at the local States and Federal levels to those in private corporations and the civilian population, vote their pocketbooks. This incentivizing politicians to increase government benefits and subsidies, at the cost of private property rights, our liberties, and of course our hard earned and highly taxed fiat currency. Show me a public-school teacher that votes for a Representative that wants to reduce the funding and costs of public education and they are one of the most powerful unions in the country that is one of the largest financial contributors to the Democratic Party? Do you think all the folks who are military contractors and their employees who provide arms and military supplies and services to the Federal Government, vote for those candidates who want to cut defense spending and many of them are huge financial contributors to the Republican Party? It's a duopoly and both major Parties are complicit.
The problem is rather simply. It's not that any one single government program is that bad or costly in and of itself, it's that you have everyone and their brothers reaping the benefits and subsidies at the expense of everyone else and voting to sustain or increase the tax and spend policies. The annual U.S. Federal Budget alone has gone from $340 billion to over $6.5 trillion since 1950. With close to half of it now requiring even more borrowing, we now have crossed the threshold of having to borrow money just to pay the interest on the debt. Some are calling this the Doom Loop and they are correct.
That’s the real reason why Libertarians seldom get elected. No special interest group is going to give them campaign money to cut taxes and all the benefits the system hands out, even though most people think they are correct in their support of limiting government and taxation. There's an old saying government; "everyone believes we need to cut the budget, they just want it to be somebody else's budget. Printing money, as modern monetary theorists suggest, to increase productivity and prosperity has of course been done "unsuccessfully" many many times and every single fiat currencies ever created, which always promotes the expansion of the money supply, have all eventually become worthless. The U.S. Dollar has already lost 97% of it's purchasing power and it's devaluation is now accelerating, as more and more debt and spending increases. Some liken it to a narcotics addiction, our society unable to restrain the size and scope of government spending, with the potential withdrawal (a depression doing as much harm as the drug.
Therefore, Draining the Swamp by voting, is implausible and thinking some Republican or Democrat, with a plethora of members and their cronies, lining their pockets with taxpayers money from the proverbial public till are going to change anything significant, is naive.
Did you know that between 20,000 and 30,000 laws, mostly unconstitutional, are enacted every year, in a plethora of massive Bills introduced and if left unchallenged by we the people, automatically become law. With the Judiciary only hearing less than 150 cases each year and deciding not to hear some of the more important cases, there is no way voting with restore our liberties and Drain the Swamp.
The well-known Northwestern and Princeton Univs. study even supports this conclusion: https://agrdailynews.com/2015/08/18/us-is-no-longer-a-democracy-says-jimmy-carter-and-princeton-study-results-us-is-now-an-oligarchy-controlled-and-run-by-1/
COINSOG has opined this for decades and why we want to set up military stilled tribunals conducted by the local and State militias, as member of the armed forces and indict, arrest and prosecute those who are committing the crimes and unconstitutional acts. That is the only way we see, the actual Swamp will be drained. The foxes are not going to prosecute their fellow foxes and we have the legal and Constitutional right to do this, because they won’t. We need help, from all those who wish to restore a society based on individual liberty and equal justice under the law. From IT, to social marketing, to militia members, and legal professionals, please join us.
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