This is in response to JOE BIDEN, and his pompous terrorist threat against those he claims are enemies from within, all being simply American civilians who are Republicans and/or supporters of former President Trump, his political opponent.

JOE BIDEN, who by his own words, is a dyed in the wool GLOBALIST MARXIST, representing the CORPORATE UNITED STATES, “is not a duly constituted authority, but an OCCUPATIONAL AUTHORITY”. You the reader, may possibly be confused by this statement, and until you understand exactly what we face in the very near future, you will never be free of those like BIDEN and his numerous comrades, I refer to as the SUPER PREDATOR CLASS OF GLOBAL CABALISTS, a/k/a: the New World Order (NWO).
Thus, I will break it down for you. It was December 4, 1945, America now under President Harry Truman, who along with Congress, unconstitutionally “relinquished the sovereignty of the Federal Government, i.e., the DISTRICT of COLUMBIA (DC) along with the several States of the Union, known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA), to the ideological Marxist “United Nations”.
Since the overthrow from within our own government, on Dec. 4, 1945, Old Glory, as it is referred to “the Title 4 U.S.C. Flag of the Republic was lowered and forever removed, from all public buildings, our Courtrooms and other public facilities. As a symbol of their occupation”, the US Military flag now flies instead of Old Glory, and the US Military since, is now the cooped US/UN Military. The various displays of Old Glory, are merely for the deceptive values it provides the usurpers.
Yes, the U.S. Military and as of late, the POLICE, as “peacekeepers”, are now beholden to the agendas of United Nations, of being the primary military/police force of the global MARXIST: and NEW WORLD ORDER. Evidenced by the fact, that all but one mission (Granada), the US/UN military were co-deployed, all in the stead of the UN, NATO, SEATO, AFRICOM, Ect., and not necessarily in the defense of the United States, a duly constituted Republic, its founding documents, or its civilian population. Their true agenda often disguised and kept from We the People REF:
The Honorable Ron Paul and other patriots on several occasions’ introduced legislation, to reestablish the United States of America, as a legally constituted Republic, to its rightful sovereign status, and it was “rejected, thus evidencing the treason embedded within the halls of Congress”.
The MARXIST usurpers now in control, are currently engaged in implementing, their “USSA ENABLING ACT, not unlike HITLERS ENABLING ACT”, in a move too finally void all remnants of the duly constituted Republic. However, there is the pressing issue at hand, the MARXIST must address, “that of disarming the American civilian population”, as all despotic regimes of days gone past, have done. If accomplished, the genocide that has historically followed, will have little or no resistance.
Lest we forget, this genocide, via a planned-demic is the MO of nefarious globalist types. They continue to deploy their laboratory produced bioweapons causing planned-demics, and then provide fraudulent medical and pharmaceutical “alleged” preventions and cures, looking like saviors to the unsuspecting”.
A recent article, has the number of total arms, in the hands of the American civilian population, at around 415 million. “From what we can extrapolate, this number is only the registered arms account for”. The other dilemma, the MARXISTS face, is the American people have been allowed historically, for personal use, to build one unregistered firearm per year, thus the actual number of arms in the hands of civilians is indeed much larger. So called Ghost Guns, have become even more prevalent, since the numerous usurpations have increased.
However, I would be remis, not to point out, that firearms registries are not in line with the 2nd Amendment, as evidenced by the fact, that nowhere within the text of the 2nd Amendment, can you find the follow text, “but in a manner to be prescribed by law”, as found in other Amendments. Meaning, any law, whatsoever, promoted or enacted, that requires the registration, licensing, permitting, or any other government mandate to abolish or diminish the authority and free exercise of the 2nd Amendment “rights”, is an act of infringement aka: “insurrection”, and when there are two (2) or more actors to the same insurrection, it becomes “TREASON”.
It is of the upmost of importance “We the People” must remember, the enemies of the Republic, will bring all the arms, ammunitions, and other logistical items with them, as they invade, “and they will, as evidenced by their historical policies, enact additional unconstitutional laws to punish any resistance”. Consider, the patriot’s mission then will be, “to take all of them, whenever possible. Surely not a task for the meek and timid of society”.
First (1st), is to do nothing, and if you survive the culling of the population, you will fall forever, into a despotic global order, of absolute economic enslavement to a SUPER PREDATOR CLASS OF DESPOTIC SCUM.
Second (2nd), is to “Engage” the usurpers now in control of the Corporate Government, all of whom co-opted the Duly Constituted Republic too their own ends, along with their enforcers, in a civil war. However, as history has shown, there are massive levels of blood-letting and death from such an effort, preferably avoided.
Third (3rd), is a full revolt, as in a Revolution, in an attempt to overthrow the existing corporate government of Usurpers, but again, the blood-letting and resulting death of such an effort is massive and surely not a preference.
Fourth (4th), the only one COIN-SOG APPROVED, is to mount a COUNTER INSURGENCY (COIN), which is authorized, under the rules of necessity and delegated authority, of the provisions of the Bill of Rights, Section 3 (insurrection clause) and 4 (bounty clause) of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America, “against those who have violated their Oaths of Office, a criminal felony offense”. There is no recall or impeachment required, only their being indicted under charges of insurrection and treason, arrested and jailed, without bail, along with the seizure of all their worldly assets, from whatever source derived.
The following, will give you, the concerned American, insight as to why “usurpers within the corporate* government bodies, arbitrarily infers the militia is obsolete”.
Historic precedence, at the State level, the Militia ultimately decide the legitimacy of the actions of any Governor. The Governor has no arbitrary powers over the Militia. When Constitutional 10th Amendment Authority fails, at the federal and state level, power then reverts to the people. [1]
At the National level, “the Militia of the several States” have their own chain of command that enables them to function with complete constitutional authority and autonomy even in the event of a rogue Congress or President attempting to exercise any form of usurpation or tyranny. For when the Militia are not “called into the actual Service of the United States”, they are subject to the commands of only their own “Officers”—because the Constitution “reserv[es] to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers”.[2]
1.) U.S. Const. 10th Amend. Bill of Rights. 2.) U.S. Const. Art. I, § 8, cl. 16.
FACT: All Corporate* US, State, County and local Government bodies and their various agencies, are defined as “PUBLIC” and operate exclusively as such, within the corporate realm, while the American civilian population operate in a private capacity as the people themselves, aka: We the People. So, when some PUBLIC OFFICIAL, deceptively claims banning firearms is for PUBLIC SAFETY, remember, they really mean the safety of themselves and not the civilian population, as in We the People. [3]
3.) Corporate* “not duly constituted”.
The United States Department of Defense (DOD), dictionary defines a counter insurgency (COIN), as a military and/or civilian militia effort, “absent PUBLIC OFFICIALS”. REF: U.S. Const. 14th Ament. Sect. 3 (insurrection clause) (COIN).
The following video evidences, the buildup of an unauthorized internal ARMY, to force American civilians into compliance of the Great Reset of the NEW WORLD ORDER.
In conclusion, the people themselves, as the response must consider forming local militias, geared towards COUNTER INSURGENCY OPERATIONS (COINOPS), in your area of operation (AO), or fall forever to arbitrary government. WC-1386 END