This is a copy of the certified letter that has been sent to President Donald Trump. The purpose as you will read, is to report to him as required under the Constitution, any and all known insurrections, treasons, and plots against the United States or "the Laws thereof". According to the Constitution and the following United States Statute, it is a crime for any elected official to ignore the evidence and do nothing about it.
COINSOG has been around for almost 30 years and have experienced my examples of unlawful constitutional abrogations, usurpations and criminal acts against the American civilian population and the laws of this country. As required, they have noticed numerous Presidents and other Public Officials of the various crimes. It is now time for the Citizens to use the laws and Constitution to indict and prosecute if necessary those involved. The question then becomes, how many are involved?
§2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
17 AUG 2020 - CERTIFIED U.S.P.S # 7017 0660 0000 6968 9470
To: Office of the President
Donald Trump, President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D. C., 20500
RE: Title 18 U.S.C. § 2382 Notice of Misprision of Treason and Qualified claim by COINSOG for appropriations under the rules of necessity and delegated authority of the 9th Amendment and Section 4 (bounty clause) of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America to payments, bounties and pensions for services to put down rebellion and insurrection against the duly constituted Republic its Bill of Rights & Constitution.
Dear President Trump,
Referenced law requires anyone owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason or insurrections against the authority of the United States, or the laws thereof to make known the same to the President, some Judge of the United States, or to the Governor or Judges or Justices of a particular State. What I report to you is ongoing within the fifty States, the District of Columbia and the Commonwealths. I must report to you, that most all Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States except for the Honorable Justice Thomas, most Federal, State, County and local Public Officials, Judges, Justices and their paramilitaries have used public appropriations, their public offices, vacating their Oaths of Office intentionally in the process, to defy Federal and State laws with sufficient force and effect during times pertinent, so as to deny the power of the United States Constitution with their “Qualified Immunity” schemes. Thereby they, each of them, became insurgents against that Constitution as prescribed by Sections 3 (insurrection clause) and 4 (bounty clause) of the 14th Amendment using the definition of Federal case entitled, “In Re Charge to Grand Jury, N.D., Ill., 1894, 62 F. 828.”
It has become abundantly clear that all Federal, State, County and local Courts in America are exacting their qualified immunity schemes to bolster a Police State apparatus whose mission is to pacify the American civilian population into submission of usurped powers thereby creating an arbitrary government. This is evidence, that these Courts no longer serve to benefit the civilian populations, instead victimizing them by the arrogant and unlawful violations of their natural civil and constitutional rights, thereby an insurrection has taken hold. Therefore, the best course of action is a counter insurgency under Section 4 (bounty clause) of the 14th Amendment directed at those cited in Section 3 (insurrection clause) of the 14th Amendment who have violated or vacated their Oaths of Office, thereby they shall not hold office.
We the People have heard all the arguments in favor of qualified immunity, however not one argument negates the fact that it is insurrection, treason and conspiracy by Public Officials within the Judiciary that gave unchecked force to their paramilitaries in order to capriciously victimize the American civilian population. We all now witness the overwhelming call by segments of the civilian population and Public Officials to de-fund and even abolish police primarily because of the protections extended to them by the treasonous qualified immunity scheme. This matter Mr. President could be defused simply by the execution of an Presidential Executive Order abolishing qualified immunity, restructuring of police duties, and responsibilities and not as paramilitaries.
Then there is the pressing question; “is America a duly constituted Republic or has it become a Police State Junta” with minimal protections of individual rights? Not unlike those brutal Juntas that were trained at the Old School of the Americas, WHINSEC or of late American paramilitaries trained by the IDF in classic violent military pacification of civilian populations to force them into submission of usurpation’s, notwithstanding the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
The arming of the current Police State Apparatus with military arms and implements of war became apparent with the enactment of the Gun Control ACT of May 1986 as the treasonous disarming of peaceful American civilians took hold as if it was a war upon their natural civil and constitutional rights. This has become the status quo, strengthened by the insurgent’s qualified immunity scheme. Then there is the fact that nowhere within the text of the 2nd Amendment can one find the phrase “but in a manner to be prescribed by law” evidencing why the usurpers covet their treasonous blanket of qualified immunity.
Coupled with qualified immunity “bound by an oath of office” as defined in the COINAGE ACT, a blanket bond scheme was developed, solely intended to pass the financial liability of bad actors in public office and their para-military enforces onto the taxpayers, thus unlawfully indemnifying themselves from personal liability. There has been debate about whether or not any civilian uprising against the aforementioned treasonous insurgents cited within Section 3 (insurrection clause) of the 14th would be rebellion or insurrection against a duly constituted authority, in of itself? The best qualified answer we have found to this question is: EXCERPT’ reason for the militia; “to stand against any arbitrary government and its usurped powers as reiterated by Supreme Court Justice Story in Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States Vol. 3 at pp. 746-747 (1833). It is surely reasonable to conclude that in a nation with fundamental liberties, a direct remedy must be afforded those victimized, coerced and harassed by these insurgents and their para-military protectors.
Evidence of an insurrection is well documented, from within the various government bodies, using the qualified immunity scheme to deny the liberty and justice, intended by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. So now the question is, “has government at all levels become arbitrary?” The answer to this pressing question lies within but not limited to the following facts: two former Presidents were served with Notice of Misprision of Treason by members of COINSOG, as it relates to the courts they chose to aid and abet by their inactions. COINSOG members also brought forth cases citing insurrection, treason, and conspiracy into U.S. District Courts within several states of the union, again to no avail. Those states were New Mexico, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Texas, South Dakota as well as the SCOTUS, even though early law required as mandatory “not discretionary” the SCOTUS review all cases citing insurrection. Then we have the fact “Congress knew or should have known of the unconstitutional qualified immunity schemes and the negative impact it would and has had on the civilian population, many of whom rot in jails who have and are denied their constitutional rights. Not one meaningful or honest attempt from within has occurred to stop the ongoing insurrection and treason from within. “Thereby it can be said an arbitrary government has indeed taken hold.”
All of America who care to observe, as well as the members of the Counter Insurgency Studies & Observation Group (COINSOG) have witnessed countless court cases brought forth by victims of the insurgent’s unjust qualified immunity schemes to “try” to establish accountability for the ongoing usurpations of their natural civil and constitutional rights, only too further suffer from the “qualified immunity scheme used to deny, again and again any liability or accountability whatsoever and it still continues.”
Even you Mr. President, I truly suspect, was unaware of those engaged in the insurrection and treason, as it relates to “RED FLAG LAWS”. The MO was seizing the guns first from honest Citizens and worry about the due process later. However, how are we the people to expect due process of law, while the blanket of treasonous qualified immunity is protected by our courts and instead, used by usurpers to trample upon the natural, civil and constitutional rights of the America population?
I would be remis if I did not point out, there are other insurgents and their component forces at work 24-7, some of which are allegedly led by convicted Marxist terrorist, one of many terrorists pardoned by BILL CLINTON and ruthlessly targeting you Mr. President and the segment of America that supports you. The time has arrived to not only invoke Section 4 (bounty clause) of the 14th Amendment, to route out those insurgents who have disavowed their oaths of office, as cited in Section 3 (insurrection clause) of the 14th Amendment and the INSURRECTION ACT. To route out all insurgent component forces that threaten not only you Mr. President, but the election process, and the duly constituted Republic, its Bill of Rights, Constitution and those American’s who support you.
In conclusion: Mr. President, common sense dictates, no one wants civil unrest, a civil war or perhaps a revolution. We must stop the usurpations exacted by embedded insurgents from within our own government and their component forces and the social unrest it is causing across the nation. If we do nothing” it will likely continue. The only logical and more peaceable path left to the American civilian population is to invoke Section 4 (bounty clause) of the 14th Amendment under the rules of necessity and delegated authority of the 9th Amendment. Thereby “COINSOG defined, as other armed forces of the United States of America”, reiterates its claim to payments, bounties, and pensions to put down the identified insurrection under Section 4 (bounty clause) of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America.
With respect,