The U.S. Bill of Rights nor any other Constitutional provision, have not stopped the “ruling class” for the lack of a better phrase, from instituting and enforcing many usurpations of both civil and property rights against We the People.
As just one example, In the book The Achilles Heel; the IRS Notice of Federal Tax Lien, it appears to show more than enough material evidence and supporting circumstantial evidence to support the conclusion of the existence of fraud on the part of the IRS Department of the Treasury but also the Department of Justice in the “collection process”. Note: It does not challenge the constitutionality or legality of the law itself, but only that of the collection process.

Of course, the book was ignored. Just one of many tactics used in the ongoing Great War, that few people even realize is occurring, yet it may be the most important war ever waged with numerous battles in various areas currently being fought.
As I write this, the world is becoming increasingly divided between, who I denote as the Western Alliance vs the Eastern Alliance, as well as political ideologies among the nations of each. I place the BRICS nations and their allies within the Eastern Alliance and the G-20 and their allies in the Western Alliance, although there is surely some overlap, considering the continual changes in formal and informal geopolitical relationships.
The U.S. legal system is also increasingly divided between the two major political parties rather than the foundational rules of law our constituted republic was created under and even the SCOTUS is infected. I point to a case, IMHO, that is not well known, yet to me is evidence, that our legal system is deteriorating, if not broken beyond repair. We The People vs United States, 485 F.3D 140 (2007).
A very important case relying on the Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances under the 1st Amendment. A group by the name, We The People, filed a formal Petition, simply asking 62 questions relating to the laws involving the Federal Individual Income Tax and submitted them to the IRS Department of the Treasury, the POTUS, and all 535 members of Congress. That in and of itself a huge undertaking, due to numerous people involved in enormous task of creating the 62 questions, pulled from historical case law, statutes, IRC, etc. The petition, submitted twice, was simply ignored, prompting the lawsuit. The lawsuit was also “unintelligibly ” ignored within their decision, with the SCOTUS refusing to hear the case. That’s how we do it here in the U.S. Kangaroo Courts. The outcome; even with tax laws, the government does not have to explain or answer any questions the People as taxpayers, may have of them. Obviously, not very helpful and/or transparent in the administration and enforcement of one of our most intellectually and physically demanding tax laws.
So why is this important to a group of legal professionals?
The Big Picture. Approximately 75% of the world’s population now exists under the influence of the Eastern Alliance and one of the greatest ongoing battles being waged is the currency battle and the U.S. Dollar trade hegemony that has existed since WWII. In short, due to the FOREX system, the world does not need a reserve currency anymore, yet the Western Alliance is still demanding its use through the Bank of International Settlement (BIS), it member banks and the SWIFT system, forcing most nations to comply. Russia’s recent expulsion from both has intensified the trade wars (another battle) and even the Vatican appears to be reacting, as the Pope, unprecedentedly, just ordered all associated entities to move their funds and liquid assets to the Vatical Bank.
It appears the Eastern Alliance wants a monetary system with gold being a partial reserve requirement, knowing even themselves have at times abused their ability to create money, expanding the money supply and putting the people of their nation in harm’s way via the debasement of the currency. An asset-based system forces nations to limit their currency creation since other nations can then much more easily determine and adjust their prices when trading goods and services. It also restricts the government in both spending and borrowing. It appears they have learned from the mistakes of the past. The Western Alliance on the other hand does not appear willing to want to restrain themselves, favoring a debt-based CBDC system the Federal Reserve just announced they will be rolling out in Mid-2023. A review of the BIS website clearly indicates other nations within the Western Alliance as also testing and plan to implement them.
With over two hundred years of history, we have been able to study and observe both the stability and instability these two systems provide, and know exactly why. This is well explored and documented by economists around the world, and there is not one shred of evidence to dispel the fact that gold-backed systems have always worked well and the debt-based fiat system has always failed over time. Why do you think the BIS and Western Alliance are literally scrambling to replace the existing debt-based fiat currency system, “hoping” the CBDCs will fill the needs of a monetary system, which is not a guarantee?
The U.S. even though it has one of, if not the largest gold reserves of all nations, it is minuscule as a percentage of U.S. assets at today’s prices. If you have ever perused the outcome of a currency devaluation, exchange or collapse, god forbid, it is not a pretty outcome for most people. Not only will it likely happen in the U.S., but numerous other nations, such as its major trading partners are also going to feel extreme levels of pain.
So, when you hear folks from the World Economic Forum (WEF) or others talk about the Great Reset, this is what they are referring to. Of course hoping they are the ones captaining the ship.I’m not sure we want them as our captains, unless you want a couple of hundred more years of living in a highly corrupted world. Many of them have participated in numerous crimes around the world and yet few prosecutions ever come to fruition, blocked by the various government controlled courts.