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United States of America; loan “Denied”.

Writer: Ura SeagullUra Seagull

Sometimes it’s good to look at the macro-economic conditions of a nation on an individual basis. If an individual was in the same situation, would they be in good or bad credit risk and would you continue to lend them more money? Governments borrow money by issuing their sovereign debt, in the U.S. with

Treasury Securities issued by the Federal Government.

The U.S. appears to no longer be considered a good credit risk by about 75% of the world’s population. China, Russia, India, Japan and others are all currently net “sellers” of U.S. Treasuries. They appear to no longer believe lending money through the purchase of U.S. sovereign debt is any longer wise or beneficial, yet they are reluctantly being forced to some degree, by the current debt-based fiat currency system with the United State’s world reserve currency status. No one in their right mind, would buy a 1-year U.S. Treasury Bill, when the U.S. inflation rate is 8.3% annually, that is only paying 4.2% in interest, unless you are forced to. That’s an annual loss of 4.1% in purchasing power.

For the U.S. Federal Government to continue at its current size and spending levels, via the Federal Reserve Bank, it has had to “print currency” in order for it to buy its own sovereign debt, i.e. U.S. Treasuries, since the Great Financial crisis in 2008, in the amount of about $7 trillion. That’s because the rest of the world has been unwilling or unable to buy them all.

The FRB is also being forced to pay huge interest payments to those with currency in the amount of $2.3 trillion, to keep it out of the economy attempting to minimize inflation, through the Reverse Repo (RRP) program, thus reducing the supply of currency in circulation. Many question whether this is even legal or not.

The U.S. for the first time, the Federal Government must now borrower more money in order to just be able to pay the interest on the $32 trillion in debt already issued. $17 trillion of that amount is scheduled to reach their maturity over the next two years, with much of it, to be reissued at the much higher prevailing rates.

Must of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is now predicated on the sales of good and services by private enterprise, to its own taxpayers through various government contracts.

Due to excessive taxes and government costs, just in the last 20 years, 45,000 once existing factories no longer operate in the U.S. There are now over 125 different taxes and regulatory fees continuing to stifle most of the businesses that are not government contractors. Many companies even on the major stock exchanges are now operating at a fiscal loss and have remained in business by borrowing more money because of the vast amounts of money creation. In numerous States the government is now the largest employer.

Central planners at the State and Federal levels continue to stifle various industries under fallacious and harmful long term social and environmental policies driving many such as California Trucking Companies either out of business or to relocate in less restrictive States and the central planners refuse to hold public debates on such extremely important issues. Very few politicians even bring up any of these issues, as if they will miraculously disappear or be solved on their own.

It has taken our political system about 45 years, since the increases in spending during the Vietnam War circa 1965, to run up such levels of spending and debts and it is just not at the Federal level. State budgets have almost expanded at similar levels as if a coordinated effort to provide bureaucratic jobs and profits to government contractors at the majorities expense.

The great illusion is that this can be sustained and there is a cure that will allow the majority to maintain its quality of life. The U.S. Government, many State governments and the vast majority of people and businesses in the United States have taken on massive levels of debt, making it now the largest debtor nation in world history.

A massive financial, economic and monetary Reset is being implemented by the central planners at both the national and international levels which will change the systems of finance, trade and commerce over to a highly controlled government and central banking issued Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) fraught with potentially devastating issues and problems many of which we have already experienced with a debt-based currency.

These same very powerful institutions and families who have guided us to this point of indebtedness are the same ones implementing this Great Reset, as they are calling it. As the majority have become more indebted and insolvent, their networths have skyrocketed and this is not by circumstance.

The lack of transparency, debate and censorship are now the status quo and if you really believe the end justifies the means, you are ignoring the numerous atrocities the world has experienced since the overthrow of most of the worlds Monarchies and the money changers behind them. Hail to the Queen!!! Her progeny and their fascist cronies around the world are the money lenders, so as an indicator of who these people are, beware of those who were invited to her funeral. Also look at the websites of the Bank of International Settlement, the World Economic Forum, the Zionist Congress and the Counterparties list on the Reverse Repo program on the Federal Reserve Banks website to observe others involved.


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